Blue Review
A newsletter for Medicaid providers

July 2018

Texas Health Steps (THSteps) New Covered Benefit: Postpartum Depression Screening

Effective July 1, 2018, a maternal postpartum depression screening may be completed and reimbursed once per provider in the 12 months following an infant’s birth. The screening must be done during a THSteps checkup using a validated screening tool. This benefit is paid through the baby’s coverage even if the mother does not have Medicaid coverage.

Validated screening tools include:

  • Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
  • Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PPDS)
  • Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

Positive screenings require the provider to discuss the results with the mother, discuss the possibility of depression and the impact depression may have on the mother, the family and the health of the infant. Mothers must then be referred to a provider who can perform further evaluation and determine an appropriate course of treatment.

Procedure Codes and Documentation
Providers performing maternal postpartum depression screenings must use procedure code G8341 or G8350 to receive separate reimbursement.

Providers must document the screening in the infant’s medical record, and include the name of the screening tool used and the date of completion.

Call to Action
Openly discuss the risk of postpartum depression and assess your patients for symptoms (e.g., changes in appetite, sleep patterns, decrease in activity and change in mood). Screen your patients for signs of postpartum depression using an appropriate screening tool and procedure code (referenced above).


Magellan® Behavioral Health
Magellan Behavioral Health is contracted with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) to provide behavioral health assistance and services. Use the Magellan provider toolkit and call the BCBSTX Provider Services Hotline at 1-877-784-6802 to obtain information about eligibility, benefits, provider network referrals or claim statuses.

If you have any questions or need further information, reach out to:

Kathleen Thompson
QI Director
Julie Sones
Quality Management Specialist III