Welcome to the Special Beginnings Program!
Please click on a section below for more information:
Programs, Services and Resources Available to You
Special Beginnings is a program designed to help you better understand and manage your pregnancy. You should enroll as soon as you know you are pregnant. We have Care Coordinators that provide health education and support all the way from the beginning of your pregnancy to six weeks after your child is born.
- You have unlimited access to YoMingo®, an online learning site. You can complete your classes on a computer or on your phone.
- The site is full of information and videos about pregnancy. Topics include labor, delivery, baby care, breastfeeding, your care after delivery, and so much more!
- Let the Special Beginnings nurse know that you would like to sign up for YoMingo and we will send you a registration email. The email will include your personal YoMingo link and instructions to get set up.
- Classes are taught in 15 different languages
- Members who complete a Prenatal class on YoMingo will receive a diaper bag with baby items
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) offers these Value-Added Services at no cost to you:
- Prenatal Care Incentive Options: Pregnant members can choose an infant car seat or a pack and play playard when they complete a timely prenatal visit and register for our Special Beginnings program.
- Prenatal Care Incentive Options Form
- Prenatal Class with Incentive Diaper Bag: Pregnant members can take a prenatal class at no cost, in-person or online, and earn a free diaper bag with baby care items.
- New Mom Welcome Home Kit: Members who deliver a newborn while on our plan can get a New Mom Welcome Home Kit with baby care items.
- Breastfeeding Support with a Breastfeeding Support Kit: Members who deliver a newborn while on our plan can get a free breastfeeding support kit and breastfeeding coaching, in the home or over the phone.
- Fresh and Healthy Food Support for Pregnant Members: Pregnant members are eligible to get up to $50 of fresh fruits and vegetables per year delivered to their home.
- In-Home Delivery and Meal Services: Members who qualify can receive up to 14 meals delivered to their home after a hospital discharge for total of two separate events per year.
- Dental Services for Adult Members: Adult STAR members age 21 and older, and CHIP Perinate members age 19 and older can get up to $250 per year in dental services.
- Value-Added Services may have restrictions and limitations.
For more information about Value-Added Services, visit:
- Learn about why it is important to put your baby to sleep on their back.
- Safe Sleep for Your Baby tip sheet for active BCBSTX STAR and CHIP Members
- Some women can experience depression during and after pregnancy.
- Read our Not Feeling Like Yourself During or After Pregnancy? flier to learn about the symptoms and how to get help.
- The WIC program helps provide healthy foods at no cost and teaches you about healthy eating.
- WIC can also guide you to other programs to help support you with your pregnancy.
- Make an appointment with WIC today!
- For more information, call 800-942-3678 or visit the Women, Infants and Children website .
- Special Beginnings: Learn more about this program and the benefits available to you.
- More information on Special Beginnings
- Zika Virus: Learn how to protect yourself and your baby from the Zika virus.
- Influenza (Flu) Virus: Learn how to protect yourself and your baby from the flu virus.
- NICU Care Coordination: Learn more about how Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas can help when babies are born too early.
- More information on NICU Care Coordination
- BCBSTX’s Pregnancy and New Mother Brochure: Learn about important checkups for you and your baby as well as programs and resources available to our members.
- Healthy Texas Women: This program provides family planning exams, health screenings, birth control and postpartum services to women that meet age and income requirements. To learn more, visit healthytexaswomen.org .
- Email: TXSBMedicaid@bcbstx.com
- Phone: 1-888-421-7781 (TTY 711)